A Priestess of the Valley in the Avalon Tradition with the River Valley Goddess Temple, Donnette Hill Walto is a creative, organized, and resourceful team player who empowers coworkers with strong interpersonal and conflict-resolution skills. A team-focused educator and facilitator with over 30 years of experience in domestic and international teaching environments, Donnette has also worked in non-profit organizations and small businesses. She is an interactive, communicative, and collaborative team player who incorporates meditation and spiritual practices into all aspects of life.

Core Teachings

Even as I am aware of my own pain, grief, fears, and challenges, I have the ability to care for both myself and those around me with nonjudgmental love and kindness.

The web of energy that links my heart to my breath, to my body, to my soul; spiraling outward linking me in turn to each being I come in contact with, even for brief moments in time.

Stepping into my own knowing, gracefully yet powerfully; setting compassionate boundaries; and trusting my courageous heart as I define my own path, step by intuitive step.

Recognizing tension that shows up within my being; softening, opening and sitting with the discomfort, providing space for the expansion of a new awareness and mindfully integrating it into my life.