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I am so glad you are here.


There are no such thing as coincidences. Everything leads us to where we are meant to be in this moment.


And now, here you are.  It would seem that  Goddess or the Fates or what have you has led you here.  How can I be of assistance to you,  Dear One? 


Please explore this site and what I offer to you. 


Many Blessings to You,




 What is Compassion?

Even as I am aware of my own pain, grief, fears, and challenges, I have the ability to care for both myself and those around me with nonjudgmental love and kindness.

What is Connection?  

The web of energy that links my heart to my breath, to my body, to my soul; spiraling outward linking me in turn to each being I come in contact with, even for brief moments in time.  

What is Empowerment?

Stepping into my own knowing, gracefully yet powerfully; setting compassionate boundaries; and trusting my courageous heart as I define my own path, step by intuitive step.

What is Transformation?

Recognizing tension that shows up within my being;  softening, opening and sitting with the discomfort, providing space for the metamorphic expansion of a new awareness then mindfully integrating this awareness into my life.

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